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AmericanPatron's reasons for removing Patrick Russo from presidency

WASHINGTON DC, USA - Following President Patrick Russo's removal from office, AmericanPatron stated that Russo's charges were "cross-branch corruption", "collaboration with enemies of the state (Haloluver)", and "other high crimes".

Despite these allegations, AmericanPatron has made no attempts to prove them. However, POLITICO provides a full analysis of the possible meaning behind these accusations.

"Cross-branch corruption"

Corruption in general is viewed as taking bribes, appointing officials according to the spoils system, and acting without concern for the populace.

The strongest evidence to back this would probably be the appointmens of Jennifer Hartson, Terence Walsh, and Jack Rockwell to high Executive positions. These three individuals, alongside Patrick Russo, have been viewed by many as the "political giants" of the United States - in essence, the Barack Obamas and Hillary Clintons of the country. Their political careers were largely entwined from their positions in Congress to the White House.

Yet despite this, the positions to which they were appointed, they demonstrated themselves as fully capable of. Terence Walsh had served extensively as Speaker of the House and President pro tempore, and clearly had the political knowledge necessary to hold the office of Vice President wisely. After his assassination, Jack Rockwell had previously served as both President and Vice President, as well as Secretary of Defense, and had launched a vigorous campaign to improve Washington's infrastructure since the moment he took office. Jennifer Hartson had started her career on the senatorial military committee and easily showed she was capable of the office of Secretary of Defense by leading the military to fifty members in the first month of four.

Thus, regardless whether it is morally questionable that Russo appointed certain accomplices to offices, they still held their positions and used the respective powers to the fullest extent, maximizing the performance of the United States.

However, the statement says "cross-branch", indicating that Russo is somehow coordinating with members of the Supreme Court and Congress to augment his agenda. Congressional corruption is unheard of, as party affiliations would lead to identical voting styles - to which Russo has no illegal connection. Next, both Speaker of the House Stefan Kovac and President pro tempore Elizabeth Dalton have limited connection to the Russo administration, and the latter is even running against its members in the upcoming April 2015 presidential election.

Chief Justice Vincent Miele of the Supreme Court has made multiple rulings to which the Russo administration disagreed. The Russo administration OPPOSED the Supreme Court ruling in which officeholders in more than one country were deprived of their position. The Russo administration also had a heavy dislike for present Supreme Court Justice James Clements (who both Russo and Hartson attempted to impeach in his presidency), yet did not allow that to prevent them from appointing him to his position.

"Collaboration with enemies of the state (Haloluver)"

Haloluver was the White House Chief of Staff under the Russo administration from January 1st to January 29th. Halo did not make any appearance in the United States prior to becoming Chief of Staff, and certainly was not deemed an "enemy of the state".

Presently, the United States does not even have an official list of "enemies of the state". If an unofficial list were to be given, it would probably include Jaming Space (who assassinated Terence Walsh), and Robert Fitzgerald (who is the current Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations that, ironically, half the world is a member of). The lack of explanation is disconcerting, especially when one can assume that the lack of information must mean that AmericanPatron does not care enough for the American people to give information.

"Other high crimes"

AmericanPatron did not elaborate on this.

POLITICO White House (updated 3:39 PM EDT, 2015/2/16)

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