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Speaker Solace conspirator with Pierce crisis, resigns under pressure

WASHINGTON DC, USA - A recurring phenomenal terrorist organization within the United States known only as the Pierce (sometimes Pearce) Family, recently sent mass message warnings to high-ranking members of the United States government. In history, the Pierce Family has recurringly done this multiple times, each instance bringing about a new wave of public panic. Yet, the family was only capable of stating its capabilities, and did not cause any sufficient damage to the United States in all their previous reappearances.

In this new wave of re-inspired "attacks", the Pierce Family was able to persuade Speaker of the House Luke Solace to join their cause of eradicating the current White House administration. Solace, was considered a somewhat interesting politician, who launched numerous investigations into the White House (which he personally shutdown within days of their creation), and wrote controversial legislation such as the Judicial Reformation Act of 2015 and the Secretary of Cl!t establishment.

In numerous screenshots released by Abigail Pierce, Solace said "resolution accepted", in response to requests made by the terrorists for the President to resign or be impeached. Solace also stated that he was willing to whip votes for President Russo's impeachment, and requested access to more names within the Pierce Family.

A very questionable aspect of this coup, is the fact that the Speaker of the House - one of the highest ranking positions in the entire United States government - offered his assistance to the organization, and would have been capable of dealing a good amount of damage to the Russo administration, or even annihilate it. Yet, rather than using Solace to actually bring about the end of the White House, the Pierces decided to instead destroy his political career - benefiting nobody, and not in any way assisting their anarchist mission.

The White House appears not to view the threat as being legitimate, as the President has not released any public address or note of concern regarding the Pierce Family. And, if their only goal is to systematically remove from office any politician who submits to their cause, then few Americans would be tempted to lend a helping hand to the terrorists.

POLITICO Capitol Hill (updated 8:04 PM EDT, 2015/2/5)

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