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Congressmen Tormentium, Stults, and Wade expelled for constitutional violations

WASHINGTON DC, USA - With the release of the Supreme Court’s eleventh ruling, Speaker pro tempore (and acting Speaker of the House) Tormentium, Representative Michael Stults, and Senator Mark A. Wade have faced expulsion from their respective houses of Congress due to each of them violating the Constitution (Article I Sections III and IX) by holding public office in various foreign nations.

Chief Justice Cbooty, Justice James Clements, Justice Stefan Kovac, and Justice Timothy Wellesley voted unanimously to remove the congressmen earlier today during a Supreme Court hearing.

The Chief Justice cited," An excerpt from Section III of Article I states 'No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained the age of two months a member of Roblox and two weeks a citizen of the United States and who shall not, when elected to the Senate, hold any other public office in the United States or other nations.' - an excerpt from Article I Section IX also states, 'No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.' - Both passages bar any Congressman from holding public office in a foreign nation."

Supreme Court Ruling #11 dictated that Vice Presidential candidate MarkAnthonyWade (under the iSchwenzer campaign) is ineligible to run public office for the remainder of his Senate term (three months) and an additional term (four months), under Section V or Article I, disqualifying him from the upcoming Presidential and Vice Presidential elections in April. This has left his Presidential candidate, iSchwenzer, bereft of a Vice President candidate in his campaign. Presently, it is unknown who iSchwenzer will tap for his second in command.

POLITICO White House, Capitol Hill (updated 8:19 PM EDT, 2015/2/5)

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