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January 2015 State of the Union Address: Transcript


Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of the 2nd Congress, my fellow Americans:

When I stepped foot into the Oval Office, I was well aware of the long and difficult path ahead of us. It was with the efforts of the entire White House which has allowed us to come so far, in such a small amount of time.

Our public image on the global scale was frayed and tattered due to indecisiveness in numerous international coalitions. Our representation in the world was a timid and powerless one.

Crime wreaked havoc on the streets of Washington DC. We lacked the proper judicial system to support a diverse nation of six thousand people. We did not have substantial law enforcement to deal with the chaos which unfolded each day after the next.

We could not bring any international reform or give any force behind the beliefs which founded this nation, because we had zero people in the armed forces.

Tensions in the White House itself, were at an all time high. In short, the nation was in a state of ruin.

Now, we have supported a complex international foreign policy, which keeps us out of wars which are incited for reasons irrelevant to the welfare of our nation.

We have continuously avoided multiple wars with other nations, and instead developed one of the strongest international bonds in the history of America, with over thirty-two alliances spanning across the world.

A month ago, Washington was a hub for criminal activity, with shootings and unregulated chaos that resulted in dozens of deaths and tragedies. Now, recruitment for the Metropolitan Police Department, and the Secret Service, are at an all-time record high.

We have set up a comprehensive federal courts system, capable of maintaining the level of crime that occurs in DC - which has been consistently lowered due to the increase in law enforcement personnel.

The Department of Justice and Metropolitan Police Department in conjunction with the Supreme and Federal Courts have expedited the prosecution process greatly, ensuring all Americans are given their constitutional rights.

The Supreme Court is, for the first time in over fifty weeks, filled - not with cannon fodder candidates, but with esteemed individuals who have served this nation’s judicial system for months on end.

We came into the White House with zero military personnel.

In one month alone, we did not timidly begin to set up a system in which soldiers can operate. We did not waste time looking towards the past, and using military structures which have failed us. We did not contemplate the willingness of American citizens to fly towards the military in hope of serving their country.

In one month alone, because of our willingness to act rather than scheme, we went from having zero personnel, to over forty-five active and on-duty soldiers, ready to respond at a moment’s notice.

The military is more well equipped than ever before. Over the past month, the Department of Defense has hired on a new engineer to develop sophisticated and innovative battle-technology never before used in the Ro-nation community. This technology will drastically improve the readiness of our armed forces. They shall be implemented into United States Army bases this week; the military will begin training with the technology shortly after.

We have reached the highest amount of growth, in the shortest amount of time, for the armed forces in over a year.

The United States was founded on the principles of free speech and the ability to defend these beliefs through whatever means necessary.

That is why I will be calling on Congress in the following days to perpetuate these long standing principles and declare war on the Federal Republic of Somalia. No nation, big or small, attacks the homeland we inhabit without consequences, and those who committed these despicable acts will soon find out - the United States is not a force to reckon with.

Instead of having disputes, pointless arguments, and festering hostilities in the White House, we have informed and experienced men and women working together to move America forward. Rather than arguing amongst ourselves and slandering each other, the nation’s executive branch is - at last - unified, and ready to meet any challenge.

The era of discord has met its end, and the State of the Union is strong.

My fellow Americans, I and the rest of the administration, will continue to work to restore balance to the country. We will endeavor to continue the great amount of reform which has occurred thus far, and we will not cease in our efforts to keep our borders safe and the nation strong.

We will continue to unite ourselves on the global spectrum, and to keep our foothold abroad.

We will continue to train and improve the quality of law enforcement that our country provides to each of our citizens.

We will continue to provide the Supreme Court and the rest of the judicial system with the tools they need to adequately ensure that justice is upheld in all cases brought before them.

We will continue to increase our armed forces standards and the performance of our soldiers, until we can again say that America has one of the strongest militaries in the world.

In the past month, Washington DC has had more place visits than ever before. Citizens are more satisfied with their experience at our nation’s capital, than ever before.

I will be personally pushing for engaging activities our citizens can participate in at the nation’s capital, which do not call for them to commit crime.

The past few months have been the most heavily documented since the inception of our country. The economy of our media outlets has grown to be several times its previous size. Private citizens have tripled the amount of information being outsourced to American civilians. America is more informed than ever before.

The “age of information” shall continue and flourish over the months ahead. I plan on releasing comprehensive plans, for all citizens to access and utilize , to encourage the creation of media outlets, and offer them further access to the tools needed to make them successful: Increasing employment and access to information in our great nation is of the utmost importance for sustaining ourselves.

My fellow Americans, we have molded history and set true goals for ourselves. We have lived up to the name of our forefathers. We have strived for success, and we have finally found it.

The past month has been fruitful, but there is always room for improvement, and regardless how much effort must be made, we will leap to the next platform. Reach the next stage. And we will pave the way for generations to come.

America, our nation is only at five percent of its true potential. Tonight, let’s get to work reaching one hundred percent.

God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.

POLITICO White House, Capitol Hill (updated 7:51 PM EDT, 2015/1/31)

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