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Congress to restore original Constitution

WASHINGTON DC, USA - One of the most controversial aspects of the current Constitution - which was "ratified" by 1/5 of Congress a few weeks ago - was that it

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dissolved the House of Representatives and Senate chambers, merging them into a unicameral legislature simply referred to as "Congress".

This caused an uproar amongst the American people, who detested the new constitution for its unorthodox approach to reforming minor problems within the United States government, and how it granted all the powers entrusted to the two original chambers - into one. Congress could impeach any elected official and ALSO try the elected official in their impeachment trial. Congress could approve/disapprove any nominee that the President requests for their Cabinet, while simultaneously have the ability to choose the President in the case of a faulty election.

This new constitution was cemented into place by AmericanPatron, the holding account of the United States, who stated that no new constitution could ever be proposed. Now, AmericanPatron has passed a new ruling stating that the United States Congress CAN pass a new constitution - this only seems to further the rumor that AmericanPatron is controlled by multiple trustees.

The constitution which supports a unicameral legislature has a 76.3% disapproval rating, and a subsequent 39.4% approval rating of Congress, according to a White House poll. It was so unpopular, that former Speaker of the House James Clements, had been impeached and forced into resignation as a response to his avid support of the new constitution.

Current Speaker of Congress, Luke Solace (also one of the most vocal politicians in opposition to the unicameral legislature constitution), has seized the opportunity with AmericanPatron's new ruling, and pushed for the restoration of the original constitution, through the following legislative bills (

There is little chance that the old constitution will not be ratified immediately - there are already two Ayes out of the nine required for passage. And judging from the rabid expulsion of Clements and 76% disapproval rating, anyone who does vote Nay would find themselves in a pack of piranhas during re-election. POLITICO Capitol Hill (updated 10:32 AM EDT, 2015/1/18)

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