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AmericanPatron's "Constitution" a disgust; an editorial by Vincent Miele



In lieu of an efficient and logical founding document, the United States has been forced to follow an illegally passed, senseless new version to our standing constitution, which forces the legislative process to become entirely more tedious, counterproductive, and flat out laborious. The very existence of this new constitution disgraces our nation and our founding fathers. AmericanPatron is metaphorically urinating on the graves of each and every last one of our them by altering a major aspect of the government without approval from even half of our elected Congress. AmericanPatron is to prevent matters in the United States from becoming out of hand; most citizens would not agree that having a bicameral Congress is out of hand.

Rather than being passed with the constitutionally required ratio of approval (2/3), this amendment was passed with only 1/5 of the House of Representatives voting - which is completely illegal and unconstitutional. When Attorney General AlexanderRedington challenged this amendment to myself and my colleagues StefanKovac and Epidemiology of the Supreme Court, we unanimously ruled that the constitution must be resubmitted through both houses of Congress and must receive the mandatorily required vote to be implemented. This resolution is more than reasonable and logical. However, AmericanPatron overruled this Supreme Court ruling on the basis that it would “protect the United States”. AmericanPatron is meddling in government affairs where he is not required nor needed and disregarding the duties of the U.S. government. The Judicial branch simply cannot operate correctly while AmericanPatron continuously decides to override Supreme Court rulings that happen to not be in favor of his beliefs.

With a unicameral Congress, the exact same elected Representatives and Senators can now impeach public officials, including the President, and try them them for their charges. The same exact people who impeach any public official would be sitting on his trial. Prior to the unicameral Congress, Representatives voted on impeachment whereas Senators tried the accused. This Congress can also approve all nominations that the President proposes and can choose who the President is, in times of unclear elections, giving Congressmen much more power than prior to the unicameral Congress.

On top of AmericanPatron’s newly formed unicameral Congress, he has released a new “AP Ruling” in which he overrules the Developer Deregulation Act, the Nonexistent Disestablishment Act, and the Revised Congressional Expulsion Regulation Act. Rather than attempting to remove these acts through the Supreme Court, AmericanPatron has decided to abolish these acts with complete disregard for our government. AmericanPatron is not part of our government nor is he his own separate branch of government; the account is a completely separate entity that exists only to provide funds for the United States (Hence “patron” in his title) and to interject only when completely necessary, not to intervene in Congressional affairs merely because he thinks that it would help. It is clear that AmericanPatron believes that he is the quintessence of freedom and liberty and intervenes with the United States simply when he wants to alter something for the sake of altering something.

AmericanPatron has overstepped his boundaries as a group holder: the United States government is to deal with the issues at hand, not to be utterly neglected when confronted with predicaments. As AmericanPatron continues to intervene and dictate the nation, Congressmen and other government personnel continue to resign and rebel against our nation’s “lord protector”, who has really turned into "lord Fuhrer".

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