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AmericanPatron "passes" and permanently cements new constitution

WASHINGTON DC, USA - In what numerous American officials call one of the most "downright, absolutely disgusting" and controversial events in the history of our country, the holding account of the United States - AmericanPatron - recently proposed a new Constitution which would primarily merge the two congressional chambers - the Senate and the House of Representatives - into one, unicameral legislature.


Thus, legislative officers are no longer appropriated to the "House Representatives" or "Senator" - they simply go under the name "Representative for Congress".

Even more controversial, this new constitution was passed with only a 1/5 approval by Congress. In all previous events, a MINIMUM of a 2/3 majority was ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED to pass an amendment, much less a Constitution. Section VI of this legislation states, "For this constitution to come into full legal effect, only one fifth of the former House of Representatives must approve."

1/5, by mathematical fact, is equal to 20%, which is less than 1/2, which means that the new constitution was passed with less than a simple majority, much less a 2/3 majority.

On top of that, immediately after the passage of the new constitution, AmericanPatron issued the sixth AP ruling since our foundation - that the existing constitution can never be replaced again, only amended.

"It is unfortunate that the United States is descending to such a level that our highest power considers twenty percent as a majority," LukeSolace, former Speaker of the House and Representative of the 12th Congressional District of Ohio states. "Even more detestable is the length to which AmericanPatron goes to eradicate all opposition there can be to his radical legislation - through leveling the playing field and even destroying any chances there can be to undo the damage he has wrecked upon this nation."

Chief Justice VincentMiele is expected to deliver a public statement on the absolute violation that the new constitution is to any citizen who holds respect for the country's foundations. The Chief Justice has not reached out to anyone as of yet.

POLITICO Capitol Hill (updated 7:10 PM EDT, 2015/1/7)

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