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Russo Administration fills Supreme Court

WASHINGTON DC, USA - In President Russo's inaugural address that he delivered before the Capitol Building on January 1st, he stated that one of his administration's absolute highest goals was to fill the Supreme Court. He wished to address the "sub-par" performance of the Judicial branch, arguably caused by the previous presidencies' lack of concern for it.

US Supreme Court.png

In a feat that Chief Justice VincentMiele states "is more impressive than the 100 day education bill from House of Cards", Vice President (and President of the United States Senate) TerenceWalsh has managed to push all four needed nominees for the Supreme Court through the Senate in less than a week since taking office.

The nominees include former Vice President TimothyWellesley, former Senator StefanKovac (Giantsboy97), former SS Agent JorakStinger, and former Supreme Court Justice Epidemiology. All passed the Senate, of which Stinger and Kovac have already taken their oath of office before Chief Justice Miele.

"Appearances seem to yield that the Russo administration has in three days, done better than the Clements administration did in an entire presidency - at least, for the judicial system," Miele further states.

POLITICO White House, National Courts (updated 8:16 PM EDT, 2015/1/3)

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