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International tensions rise in NATO meeting

NEW YORK CITY, USA - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was scheduled to hold a parliamentary assembly at its usual summit hall in Brussels, Belgium. Unfortunately, cyberattacks and exploits launched by the notorious individual GeneralMaels (who has now been exiled from NATO and banned from all its respective places) forced the assembly to be moved to a press conference hall

Hartson Conference Hall.png

managed and owned by NATO Military Committee Chairwoman and United States Secretary of Defense JenniferHartson - who was forced to step in as chairperson of the meeting due to the absence of Deputy Secretary General PatrickRusso.

The meeting commenced after a quorum arrived, consisting of delegates from the nations Italy, Portugal, the United States, Lithuania, Canada, Finland, and Germany. Delegates from Slovenia and Czechoslovakia (both of whom sought entry into NATO) were also in attendance.

The three main issues discussed at the meeting included the vote for the admittance of Slovenia, Colombia (whose delegates were not in attendance), Czechoslovakia, and the removal of Russia.

Slovenia was admitted with four favorable votes, three votes of abstention, and one unfavorable vote.

Czechoslovakia's admittance was tied, with one favorable vote, five votes of abstention, and one unfavorable vote. Prior to this vote, JenniferHartson was forced to depart the asembly for other affairs, and Supreme Commanding General of the North Atlantic, JackRockwell, was forced to step in as chair of the meeting. Rockwell broke the tie, denying Czechoslovakia entry to NATO.

Rockwell states, "NATO was formed to battle the Warsaw Pact, and [the] Warsaw Pact consisted of several Soviet states under the control of the USSR. So allowing a soviet state to join NATO would be contradictory and would make us look stupid."

Russia was removed with three favorable votes, three votes of abstention, and two unfavorable votes. The removal vote was championed by Lithuania (which had also spearheaded the campaign to remove Komandosow's Poland earlier in December on counts of violating international law), whose President MarkBalkus claims that Russia had transformed into a USSR-esque nation with threats and intentions to invade other countries and harm Lithuania.

Russia had also face exteme opposition earlier in December, when communist revolutionist Politburo stole ownership of the country. In response to their removal from NATO, they have already began threatening to invade Lithuania and the Baltics in a Ukraine-esque effort to expand their borders.

The NATO administration has always been a strong opposition to unnecessary military expansion from any nation which may be a part of it, and Russia does not appear to be an exception. No NATO administration members have been available for comment on the matter.

POLITICO International (updated 2:58 PM EDT, 2015/1/3)

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