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NATO undergoes complete reform, holds first assembly

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM -The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, otherwise known as NATO, was recently dissolved due to issues involving inactivity and disorder. Recently, Philip Haynes (DrReli), the President of Kestrel (one of Roblox's largest clothing corporations) and Secretary of State for the Clements Administration was ordered to refound NATO and serve as its first Secretary General.

Haynes jumped onto the project with enthusiasm, setting aside numerous obligations to fully restart the organization within his four month term. He immediately appointed several individuals to the various positions within NATO, including:

  • DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL PatrickRusso (USA) POTUS-Elect (inauguration Jan. 1st 2015) President & CEO of Uccello Russo(USA) (USA) Fmr. Secretary of State (Clements Admin.)

  • CHAIR OF THE MILITARY COMMITTEE JenniferHartson (USA) Secretary of Defense-Elect (inauguration Jan. 1st 2015) (USA) Director of National Intelligence (Incumbent) (USA) Fmr. Secretary of Defense (Clements Admin.)

  • NATO MILITARY COMMITTEE QuintusValerius (ITA) Minister of Defense (Incumbent) CapColton (MC) Prince of Monaco (Incumbent) DukeWilliamKallioIII (BE) Prime Minister (Incumbent)

  • SUPREME COMMANDING GENERAL OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC JackRockwell (USA) SS Training Instructor (USA) Fmr. SOCOM SEA (October - November 2014) (USA) Fmr. VPOTUS (September 2014) (USA) Fmr. POTUS (September - October 2014)

NATO members currently include the United States, Greece, Italy, France, Ireland, Sweden, Portugal, Poland, and Lithuania. More nations are pending entry into the alliance. NATO had its first official assembly on December 11th 2014, where the Parliamentary Assembly and nation representatives discussed issues regarding the admission of countries bordering the Atlantic. Following that, the assembly spoke about the increasing pressure between NATO and Somalia, as well as the revolution in Russia.

POLITICO International (updated 1:16 PM EDT, 2014/12/19)

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